“I know it will do me some damage, I know I will have to push back a lot of other things I wanted to do now, this year, but I still want to take this chance and do it. I am not ready enough for it, so this is where you come in, this is where you help me figure it out…”. This is how today started off for me, with a client wanting to take risks, but not just any risks, calculated risks in order to do something that he loved so much and he has been waiting for so long to see them become reality in his life. That choice made me think about taking risks…
How many of us are really ready to jump into the pool and figure out the swimming part later on? In real life, one would say, “Are you nuts? I am not gonna jump in; I will drown in like 5 seconds.
You need to know at least the basisc of swimming, how to move, how to keep your cool while you start to sink until you learn how to keep yourself at float…” Aren’t we supposed to also do the same thing in our private or professional life, just jump in as soon as we have the basisc figured out, and take on the risk of the rest of the unknown equations for a later solving? How many of us are simply starting something almost from scratch and just build on the minimum available, then grow from there?
Well, nowadays, the only ones that will survive the big change wave (quit wave included) will be the ones accepting to take calculated risks, not waiting to have everything figured out before accepting the challenge to evolve, just diving in and swimming into a new direction. The rest, will just wither and fade away…
Remember the “survival of the fittest” principle.. Now, check yourself out and see how CHANGE READY ARE YOU…