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An online support group for all emotionally abused friends out there

Though misunderstood, underrated and often unmanaged properly, the emotional abuse that some of us experience at any moment in life can have a critical impact on the way life is seen, handled, on our role as an individual within the modern society.


Principles like leadership and emotional intelligence are key for our performance at work, but also set the premises for our relationships with family, friends, colleagues, bosses, etc.


Yet, there is little to no support for people going through such powerfully-forming experience and most of them end up depressed, with low self-esteem, highly self-critical, faulty decision making approach and so on...


Why not joining our hands into supporting all in need of emotional backing, sharing your success stories and help them bring that inner hero back to light? Why not be the shoulder to cry on and provide the ear to listen to? Why not be the ultimate support buddies and create our Heroes' Club?


Join the emotionally abused friends' club to share your success story, ask questions, give ideas and, most importantly, offer your support to others in need of emotional backing and recovery from all forms of emotional abuse.


Be the Hero of someone in need!​

Join us on Zoom

Starting with 5.30 pm (Bucharest time) *
4.30 pm CET time *
10.30 am EST time

*Sessions powered by


May 18

Starting with 5.30 pm (Bucharest time) *
4.30 pm CET time *
10.30 am EST time

TBD xx

TBD xx

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